I've been reading through Game Engine Architecture, and must commend you on an excellent book. I'm a lead-programmer with just over 10 years experience making games, so I'm not directly in the target audience, but I've still found it a very interesting read. I just wish it had existed a few years earlier!
Anyway, the section on Dual Quaternions was something that interested me - I hadn't heard of them before, and the possibility of representing rotation, translation and scale in 8 floating point numbers sounded useful - to good to be true really! However, having skimmed through the cited .pdf file, I can find no mention of them representing scale, and this resource http://isg.cs.tcd.ie/kavanl/
"Dual quaternions cannot represent non-rigid transformations, such as scale and shear. This means that dual quaternion skinning, unlike linear blend skinning, is restricted only to rotating and/or translating joints."
Anyway, thought I'd mention it. If I've misunderstood them and scale is possible, then apologies. If not, then perhaps a section for corrections on the website would be useful.
Kind Regards,
Andy Weinkove.
Hi Andy,
You are quite right, that is an error. Dual quats represent a combined rotation and translation... basically a "screw motion" and are incapable of describing any kind of scaling transform.
Although there is a relatively simple method to add scale to dual quaternion skinning. See the authors website here: http://isg.cs.tcd.ie/projects/DualQuaternions/